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Debut emove360 °! Munich, here we Come Again

On October 17, Dongfeng Liuzhou motor and Alibaba International Station participated in the German new energy electric vehicle and charging energy storage exhibition (eMove 360 Europe), using an online and offline “digital hybrid exhibition” model to bring a symbol to the European market China New Energy Technology's pure electric SUV FORTHING Friday. This is Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile's renewed focus on the European auto market after the IAA Mobility Auto Show in Munich in September this year. Bi kûrkirina stratejiya bazirganiya dîjîtal a dîjîtal, ew ê alîkariya pêşxistina nû ya pêşkeftina nû ya pîşesaziya otomobîlê bike.
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Malpera Pêşangehê Malpera PêşangehêEmove360 ° Europe 2023 Auto Show Site

Ji sala 2009-an vir ve, Emove 360 ​​° Ewrûpa ye ku li qada pîşesaziya nû ya enerjiya nû, platformasyona pîşesaziyê û platformek peyda dike da ku pêşkeftinên dawî li qada wesayîtên elektrîkê nîqaş bikin. Current situation and prospects.
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Lottery Lottery DSC09757

DSC09523 DSC09783Buyerên pîşeyî Serdana Dongfeng Forothure Pure Fridaynê


FORTHING Friday's new pure electric architecture platform brings lighter, smoother and more stable pure electric driving pleasure in terms of vehicle lightweight, smooth driving and electric drive performance. It also demonstrates China's advanced technology to global buyers. Teknolojiya enerjiya nû û hêza!

Munfeng Liuzhou's "Pêşangeha Hybrid Hybrid" ya Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor e It is also an in-depth exploration of Dongfeng Liuzhou Motor Group and Alibaba International Station to jointly create a digital foreign trade overseas method.
Roja nê

Di pêşerojê de, motora Dongfeng Liuzhou dê berdewam bike ku bazarên navxweyî û derveyî bi awayek dîjîtal û hişmendî ve girêdide, çêkirina çêkirina çînî "ji bo çêkirina dinyayê"


Demjimêra paşîn: Oct-30-2023