Di 30ê Octoberirî de, rêze çalakiyên ji 2024 Culturalment Culturalment ji bo jinên Nûnerên ji Chinaînê re bi mijara "Jiyanek bedew, ku ji aliyê dinyayê ve hatî vebir kirin. The wives of envoys from more than 30 countries including Mexico, Ecuador, Egypt, and Namibia attended the event in full dress. This activity not only showcases the beauty of cross-border cultural exchanges but also serves as a stage to jointly appreciate Chinese culture and promote national characteristics. As the officially designated partner, Forthing stands out with its excellent Chinese luxury product experience, highlighting the charm of the East and becoming a new business card of China's brand diplomacy.
Li cihê bûyerê, nîşanên çandên Chineseînî û biyanî pir ecêb bûn. Bernameya akrobatîk a kevneşopî ya akrobatîk "pêşeng" şirîniya çandî nîşan da. The folk music performance programs “Blossoming Flowers and Full Moon” and “Unforgettable Tonight” resounded melodiously with the external power supply function of Forthing V9, blending technology and art. Bernameya Magic Show "Brilliant" bi Pan Hui re têkilî daynin, derhênerê hilberê yê ji bo kêfê ya mestir zêde dike. Temaşevan di atmosfera ecêb a çandên Chineseînî û biyanî de diherikî.
The themed sofa forum also witnessed intense ideological collisions and discussions, exploring the diversity of life from the perspectives of technology, art, and environmental protection. Di nav wan de, destkeftiyên forther di warê teknolojiya nû ya enerjiyê de tevahiya temaşevanan inspirasyonê. Since the Dongfeng Group has focused on the goals of “three leaps and one innovation”, it has led Forthing to accelerate the processes of new energy, intelligence, and internationalization. Forthing is focusing on the parallel development of commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles, and has made major breakthroughs in new energy architectures, batteries, and hybrid systems. Her weha her hewlek diafirîne ku avakirina ekosîstema nû ya enerjiyê û dirûvê derveyî.